Mr. Focaraccio's Web Page


Ralph Focaraccio
Room 204
U.S. History I & II
Welcome back to a new school year. If you need to contact me you can reach me at 201-295-2831 or through my school email account listed below. 
Extra Help: Available on Wednesdays after 9th period by appointment.
Period 1   U.S. History II   Room 204
Period 2   U.S. History II   Room 204
Period 5   U.S. History II   Room 204
Period 7   U.S. History I   Room 204
Period 9   U.S. History I   Room 204
Google Classroom Codes 2024-2025

Period 1- nyju5y2

Period 2- x5mydys

Period 5- czrld2m

Period 7- b5k3swu

Period 9- 3gnx6tg

 Supply List 
  • Notebook (binder)
  • Folder
  • Blue or black ink pen