Congratulations to the NBHS MUN team. Click here to see the awards they received

NBHS MUN Team Photo

With numerous High Schools from all over NJ and 300 students participating, the Social Studies Department's Model United Nations (MUN) Team had a fantastic showing at the Bridgewater-Raritan Model United Nations winning 3 prestigious awards.


1. United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR):

Commendation:  Camila Garcia 


2. Economic & Financial Committee (ECOFIN):

Commendation:   Samantha Valderrama


3. Special Political and Decolonization committee (SPECPOL):

Honorable Mention:   Vimbisai Basvi 



As you are aware this is a tremendous accomplishment.
Great Job to all the students that participated and Moderator Michael Maring!!