The North Bergen High School Senior Advanced Research Honors Class will be conducting research surveys to collect ANONYMOUS data regarding opinions and information on a variety of topics.
A link to the surveys will be distributed to students’ school email addresses.
There are 7 surveys to choose from. Your child may choose which surveys s/he wishes to participate in. There are also surveys that you can participate in. Be reminded that all surveys are anonymous. Names will NOT be required to take the surveys.
1) The Hispanic/Latinx Gender Role: Social Support and Family Influence on Career Choices of Hispanic High School and College Students: questions address self-efficacy, outcome expectations, interests, choice goals, cultural values, and family support.
2) Investigating Effects of Gender Inequality of Female Athletes’ Self-Esteem in College-Level Sports: questions address how women are perceived in athletics, if they are treated unfairly, and the barriers that may exist for the progression of women in intercollegiate athletics.
3) Analyzing the Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Student Disciplinary Reports During Classroom and Virtual Learning: questions address school racial socializations and school-based youth agency (being graded unfairly and unfair school rules)
4) The Comparison Between TikTok and Body Image Concerns Among Teenage Girls During the COVID-19 Pandemic: questions address body comparison tendencies when using TikTok during the COVID-19 quarantine.
5) Plastic Packaging Alternatives and the Consumers’ Awareness of Purchasing Habits and Choices: questions address people's preferences for packaging, grocery shopping habits, socio-economic demographics, and stances on environmental issues.
6) How Does the Use of Social Media Intertwine with Feeling of Missing Out (FOMO) Phenomenon Amongst High School Students?: this study asks several questions related to fear and social anxiety regarding the use of social media.
7) The Effects of Social Media on Criminal Profiling: asks questions about viewing crime-related television programs, books, movies, etc. such as Criminal Minds, Law & Order, CSI, 48 Hours, Forensic Files and others.
If you do NOT want your child to participate please click here and fill out the form:
(Click here)