NBHS Students Get Hands-on Experience with Local Government During Law Day

On April 18th, the Township of North Bergen and North Bergen High School hosted their annual Student Law Day program, offering students a firsthand look at the inner workings of our local government. Throughout the day, students actively participated in a variety of engaging activities:

  • Shadowing Department Heads: Students gained valuable insight into the daily operations of various town departments by shadowing department leaders.
  • Police Station Tour: An informative tour of the North Bergen Police Station provided students with a deeper understanding of law enforcement procedures, including a visit to the Evidence Room.
  • Mock Mayor and Commissioner Meeting: Students put their critical thinking and communication skills to the test by writing and advocating for resolutions during a mock meeting mirroring the Mayor and Commissioners. The event also encouraged active citizenship by allowing student audience members to question and comment on the proposed resolutions, leading to some lighthearted moments.

This immersive experience provided a valuable learning opportunity for NBHS students, leading to a stronger understanding of local government and civic engagement.

Mayor: Nicholas Sacco (student shadow Victoria Callejas)
Township Clerk: Erin Barillas (student shadow Jayleen Marin-Klinkert)
Township Administrator: Janet Castro (student shadow Martin Benitez)
Commissioner: Claudia Rodriguez (student shadow Myles Perez)
Commissioner: Allen Pascual (student shadow Sahm Ahmed)
Commissioner: Hugo Cabrera (student shadow Alfonso Morales)
Commissioner: Anthony Vainieri (student shadow Joselyn Adrover)

For a complete listing of township employees and shadowing students, see Jeff Trifari ([email protected])