"Let's have a PRODUCTIVE and MEMORABLE 2024-2025 school year!!!"
Google Classroom Codes 2024-25
Period 3 ESL II: wybbxny
Period 4 ESL I: dkxobls
Period 6 ESL l: 7n4v3z2
Period 7 ESL I: x47evaj
Period 9 ESL ll: zdcdvfy
Period 10 ESL l: pvvbrwk
tests/quizzes/projects = 40%
classwork = 20%
class participation = 20%
homework = 20%
MATERIALS: It is the student's responsibility to bring a FULLY CHARGED CHROME BOOK, a notebook, and a writing tool to class everyday! Failure to do so will result in an unprepared grade. Being unprepared several times during a marking period will eventually have a negative impact on the student's grade.
DRESS CODE: It is mandatory for all students at NBHS to enter the school building and classrooms with ID, and proper uniform. STUDENTS ARE TO "ENTER" THE CLASSROOM WEARING A PROPER UNIFORM AND A PROPER ID! THEY ARE NOT TO "CHANGE" INSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM! An after school detention or TLC will be given for those students who do not adhere to the dress code. More information regarding the Board Approved Dress Code Policy can be found in the student's handbook.
PROMPTNESS TO CLASS: All students are expected to be seated with both their chrome book and notebook opened at their assigned seats BEFORE the late bell rings! Students entering the classroom or not seated at their assigned seats before or as the late bell is ringing will be considered late to class and a detention SHALL be assigned!
THE TARGET LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH: All students should try their very best to stay focused on the target language, ENGLISH. This includes all four domains of reading, writing, speaking, and listening! Although I do speak and understand Spanish, I will only use it seldomly to bridge a concept or to give directions, this includes the ESL I levels! Remember, the more practice you receive in the target language of English, the more proficient you will become!
PLAGIARISM / CHEATING: Please do not copy any work, writing or otherwise, and submit it as yours! You SHALL receive an automatic zero with no opportunity to make it up! "If you are caught plagiarizing, copying someone else's work and submitting it as yours, the consequences, according to the North Bergen Board of Education approved student hand book, are as follows: A grade of zero (0) for the assignment with no chance of a make up, two days in The Learning Center (TLC), and a mandatory parental conference. You can view more information regarding Plagiarism in the student handbook on pages 52 and 53. Also, if you are caught cheating on any test, exam, or homework assignment, the same consequences will apply.
CELLPHONE POLICY: Cellphones are "strictly" prohibited inside of NBHS and its classrooms. When entering Mr. Gonzalez's classroom, and before sitting at their assigned desks, ALL STUDENTS ARE TO TURN OFF AND PLACE THEIR CELLPHONES IN THE CLASSROOM'S CELLPHONE POCKET HOLDER! There will be consequences, which can be found in each student's handbook, for those students not adhering to the board approved cellphone policy. These consequences can be after school detention as well as confiscation of phone. The phones will be returned to the parents and or guardians ONLY after they come in personally and speak to a Vice Principal! IF PARENTS NEED TO CONTACT THEIR CHILD DURING SCHOOL HOURS, THEY MUST CALL THE MAIN OFFICE! 201-295-2800 PLEASE DO NOT CALL OR TEXT YOUR CHILD"S CELLPHONE.
CONTACT INFORMATION: [email protected] or World Language Office 201-295-2800