Mrs. Cruz ESL

Welcome to Mrs. Cruz's ESL page
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone#: 201-295-2800
Teacher Schedule
- Period 1 - ESL 3 Room 129
- Period 2 - Prep
- Period 3 - RWL 2 Room 300
- Period 4 - Duty
- Period 5 - Lunch
- Period 6 - RWL 2 Room 129
- Period 7 - RWL 2 Room 118
- Period 8 - RWL 2 Room 127
- Period 9 - Prep
Classroom Policy
- Students are expected to wear the following items to class: school uniforms, ID, appropriate outerwear. Cell phone usage is not allowed unless instructed by the teacher. Students are required to try their best to speak only English while in class.
Behavior expected in the class
- Students are expected to be ready to work and to have a courteous and respectful attitude toward your classmates and the instructor. Rude behavior, name calling or any inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
Class Materials
- All students are expected to have a charged computer, black or blue pen, highlighter, post notes, a folder and a notebook for class.
- All handwritten assignments must be handed in black or blue ink, and all typed papers must be submitted in Google classroom. All assignments must be submitted on time. In the event that a student cannot submit his/her work on time, please email me at [email protected] prior to the deadline. If a student goes on vacation, is suspended, or will be absent due to a medical or personal reason, he /she is responsible for all the work that needs to be completed. Therefore, it is important to check this website and Google classroom for class assignments.
Grade Policy
Homework = 20%
Tests/Quizzes/Projects = 40%
Class Participation = 20%
Classwork = 20%
Extra Help
- Extra Help is offered every Wednesday after school from 2:30-3:30. Students must give a 2 day notification that they will be attending Extra Help.
- A student must be in attendance for 162 or more days in each course (meaning 18 or fewer absences) in order to be considered to have successfully completed the instructional program requirements of the grade/ course to which he/she is assigned (9 or fewer absences for half year courses).
- According to the Student Handbook, "Plagiarism is the inclusion of another’s words, ideas, or data as one’s own work. This covers unpublished as well as published sources." If you are caught plagiarizing per North Bergen High School policy, the consequences, as outlined in the Student Handbook, will be as follow: A grade of zero (0) for the assignment and all related assignments with no opportunity to make up that work in any way, including extra credit work. Two days in Edmentum Learning Program. Mandatory parental conference. Please refer to pages 52 and 53 of the Student Handbook for more information. Y