Ashley Teagan » Welcome to North Bergen High School!

Welcome to North Bergen High School!

It is a privilege to serve as a member of the North Bergen High School Child Study Team. As a Nationally Certified School Psychologist, I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and Education from the University of Massachusetts (UMASS) Amherst. During my time at UMASS, I spent a semester studying abroad in Sydney, Australia, and received specialized training in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). This expertise led to years of hands-on experience providing home-based ABA therapy in the private sector.


I went on to earn both a Master's Degree in Education and an Advanced Degree in School Psychology from Brooklyn College. As a lifelong learner, I furthered my education by achieving certifications in Educational Leadership and as a Principal from Fairleigh Dickinson University.


In addition to my work with the North Bergen School District, I am deeply committed to our community. I serve as co-chairperson of the Juvenile Conference Committee (JCC), an initiative that helps guide young people toward becoming productive, law-abiding citizens.


Please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or (201) 295-2811.


I look forward to an exciting and successful school year!