Mohamed Jaafar » Welcome to Arabic

Welcome to Arabic

Welcome to Arabic - أهلا وسهلا

Mohamed Jaafar
Arabic Language Instructor
World Language Department - Room 303
(201) 295-2800 ext. 2832
email address: [email protected]
Classroom 110/118
Extra Help on Tuesdays after 10th period in room 110 - 3:10 pm
     *Students should notify the instructor beforehand

Class announcements and assignments are posted on Google Classroom and updated regularly.

A Brief Biography
I acquired a Masters Degree in Near Eastern Languages from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.
I have been teaching in the North Bergen School District since 2014.
The Arabic Language Program was launched at the North Bergen High School in September 2016.
We hope to continue building the program to provide students with the opportunity to learn about the Arabic language and culture.