Welcome to Mr. Martinez's Webpage!

Welcome Parents & Guardians! I'm excited to be your child's teacher this year. As a proud North Bergen native, I graduated from North Bergen High School before pursuing my passion for education at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. There, I earned my bachelor's degree in History and later completed my master's in Secondary Education at Rutgers Graduate School of Education.

My teaching journey began with a brief stint at New Brunswick High School, but I was thrilled to return to my hometown in 2015. Since then, I've been dedicated to educating and inspiring students right here in North Bergen. I look forward to working with you and your children to foster a love of learning and critical thinking.

¡Bienvenidos, Padres y Guardianes! Estoy emocionado de ser su maestro este año. Como orgulloso nativo de North Bergen, me gradué de North Bergen High School antes de seguir mi pasión por la educación en la Universidad Rutgers-New Brunswick. Allí, obtuve mi licenciatura en Historia y posteriormente completé mi maestría en Educación Secundaria.

Mi trayectoria como docente comenzó con una breve estancia en New Brunswick High School, pero me entusiasmó regresar a mi ciudad natal en 2015. Desde entonces, me he dedicado a educar e inspirar a estudiantes aquí mismo en North Bergen. Espero con ansias trabajar con ustedes y sus hijos para fomentar el amor por el aprendizaje y el pensamiento crítico.
My contact information and courses for the year are listed below for future reference.
Grade: 9-12
Courses: World History, United States History I, & History through Music
Room: 207
Extra Help: Available on Tuesday or by appointment in the History Office 
School Supply List
1. Chromebooks 
2. Chromebook charger 
3. Headphones for Chromebook 
4. Notebook 
5. Pens or Pencils 
