Ms. Kelle Trabucco » Biology


Biology is devoted to the study of living things and their processes. Throughout the year this course provides and opportunity for students to develop scientific process skills, laboratory techniques, and an understanding of the fundamental principles of living organisms. Students will explore biological science as a process, cell structure and function, genetics and heredity, evolution and classification, diversity of living organisms due to evolutionary processes and their ecological roles, and an introduction to animal structure and function.


Marking Period 1

- Introduction

- Scientific Method

- Graphing Skills

- BioChemistry

- Water


Marking Period 2

- Macromolecules

- Cells

- Transport

- Photosynthesis


Marking Period 3

- Cellular Respiration

- DNA and protein synthesis

- Chromosomes


Marking Period 4

- Cell division


- BioTech

- Evolution