Schedule and Google Classroom Codes 2024-2025

Period 1 ESL 3 Code: undbdiq 
Room 304
7:40 - 8:20
Period 4 ESL 3 Code: pplya7k 
Room 304
10:04 - 10:44
Period 6 RWL 5 Code: q7qpvqj 
Room 113
11:32 - 12:12
Period 8 RWL 5 Code: a2simp3 
Room 304
1:00 - 1:40
Period 9 ESL 3 Code: cqwsy4v 
Room 304
1:44 - 2:24
Students, if you need to see me at another time, please email me.
The main schedule and alternate schedule for North Bergen High School (Bell Schedule):