Language learning consists of progressive acquisition and the gradual
refinement of four skills: comprehension, speaking, reading and writing the
language. These communication skills are interrelated and they are developed
Foreign languages help the student communicate with a large and diverse
segment of humanity. The knowledge of foreign languages may help one
understand the ideas of great philosophers, writers and artists who have
helped to shape our own ways of thinking and feeling. Today, more than ever,
foreign language knowledge sharpens America’s edge in today’s competitive
world of technology, trade and international relations. In learning a foreign
language the student learns how other people express themselves, how they
live, and what they think. The experience of foreign language study also helps
to understand one’s own language, traditions and culture, since it is often by
comparing ourselves to others that we begin to learn who we really are.
In a diverse area, moreover, foreign language learning strengthens inductive
and deductive inferential reasoning skills, as well as provides a richer fund of
words and images.